All the services of our Farmhouse

In the vicinity of Montasola you can find some typical restaurants, where you can enjoy the best local specialties as well as other numerous rich Italian dishes packed with genuine products.

For those who love sports, there is a large and welcoming swimming pool in Cantalupo, just a 10-minute drive from Montepiano. Another pool is located further away in Montebuono, about 30 minutes away.

Activities & Sports

Golf enthusiasts, on the other hand, can take advantage of the fine days by choosing from three golf clubs (9 holes) located in Sabina. Other 18-hole golf courses, however, can be reached in the northern Rome area (about an hour's drive). For those who love horses, a riding school is only 20 minutes away from our facility

Fairs and Folk Festivals

Every first Sunday of the month in Osteria Nuova, just 40 minutes away, there is a large country fair, while characteristic flea markets are on the second Sunday of each month in Gavignano, the third Sunday of each month in Rieti, and the fourth Sunday of each month in Fara. For those who love folcklore from mid-July to the end of September, concerts, dances, film festivals and outdoor lunches are held in the main squares of Montasola and in the litrofi villages.